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  • Writer's pictureRen Burke

"May You Live In Interesting Times"

The origins of this quote/curse are apocryphal, but it certainly applies to our current collective mood of distress and uncertainty. That said, history has shown us that hardships can produce wonderfully creative and positive things as well.

"Good Health Charm: Covid Version" Magnetic Microsculpture by my friend, Anne Bossert

As this year (finally) draws to a close, I'm taking the time to reflect on my struggles and successes, both personal and professional.


The last time I spoke to you all, I was preparing for my month-long stint as the featured artist at my Fort Collins gallery, Trimble Court Artisans. My show, "Menagerie", opened at the beginning of March but the pandemic shut everything down a couple weeks later. Even for only being up half of the month, the exhibit went well. I had produced a good inventory of new paintings, prints, and other artistic offerings. Happily, sales were strong, especially given the sudden anxiety we had all found ourselves in.

Once we were all able to venture out again - masked and distanced - I threw myself into various summer projects which kept me quite busy right into October:

Summer Song Mural for a temporary outdoor dining area

Parliament Piano Pianos About Town Project

BirdsEye City of Fort Collins Transformer Cabinet Program


Hey, I updated my website!

It includes available artwork, with links to my web store. I also show pieces that have sold, numerous public commissions, and my blog which I actually post to on occasion. Take a look around and let me know what you think through the Contact page!

I have several more mural projects coming up in the New Year, including my largest commission to date. I'm very excited about it (maybe even slightly terrified), and I can't wait to get going on it as soon as warmer weather arrives.


2021 promises to be another busy year. I'm hopeful that once these strange days pass, it will be brighter (and less 'interesting') for us all. So long 2020...don't let the door hit you on the way out!

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